Complete the Hardwood Floor Installation Yourself

Maple Hardwood Flooring

Building a house has always been a dream of mine and after years of scrimping and saving I finally had enough to start building a house. But as luck would have it, the price of the materials went up and the budget overshot, leaving me with not enough money to hire people to do the hardwood floor installation. Since I had already purchased the materials that were needed to lay the floor, a couple of my friends pitched in and we decided we would do the hardwood floor installation ourselves.

Hardwood floor installation is a difficult job, that requires patience and persistence and we were thankful that we were a bunch working together to help one another out in case of problems and difficulties. It is also important that during hardwood floor installation, we follow the instructions of the manufacturer to the dot. It is well worth the effort as the result is a beautiful wooden floor that is natural and beautiful. None of the other floor coverings that are currently sold in the market can even come close to hardwood flooring in terms of look and style. To get started, you go online, type the keywords Hardwood floor installation on your search engine and viola; you get websites that give you detailed and step by step information on hardwood floor installation.

Although professional help is always recommended for hardwood floor installation, in my case it was not an option as it costs a lot of money that I could not afford. So do it yourself became the mantra. I here detail a few important steps that are to be followed during hardwood floor installation. It is important to store the wood for a few days, allowing it to match the humidity levels in the house. After covering the sub floor with asphalt felt, make sure it is glued well. The rest of the process is the difficult part as the size of the wooden planks that are to be nailed down has to be right and the holes that you drill be evenly spaced, as your first plank sets the tone for the rest of the flooring. Following the instructions is very important to get a neat finish and ensures that the floor stays on for a long period of time.

On a personal note, I would say, do not attempt hardwood floor installation yourself if you do not have enough people to help you out. On the other hand if you do have friends and the knowhow it’s a breeze and can turn into a fun project.

Hardwood Flooring
Hardwood Flooring Samples